To reinvent oneself is a terrifying leap of faith.
A leap of faith. Such a odd turn of phrase. Neither leaping or having faith in the traditional sense, it is really about starting over. I found myself, in the second half of life, struggling with myself physically which of course leads to mentally. Physically I became broken for no other reason than my body decided it was time to be broken. I had to leave my work and my wonderful team to try and fix what was broken. Everyday I was sure this would be the day I would be better and return to the life I knew and loved. Three years later and I'm still broken. That's when I decided that it was time to try something else. Leaving behind what you have spent your entire adult life doing and become something else? Terrifying. So with all my down time I tapped into a part of me that I had pushed aside for years. The artist in me. It surprised me how much that part of me wanted to be out, wanted to be seen, wanted to create. And so...this is me, the new me, trying to become what I will be, and be comfortable in my broken self.